This explains why we find many interpretations on Biblical subjects with the possibility that none of them could be be true.
As you described people already come up with different interpretations for a single, unchallenged fact (heavy rains).
It only makes sense that interpretations of someone else's convoluted fantasy or nightmares (e.g. Revelations), folk lore and origin myths (e.g. Exodus) and other such legendary stories that we don't even know to be factually correct, are going to be completely arbitrary and completely useless.
It's also noteworthy that your example about the Kerala rains shows very clearly that people come up with interpretations that fit their pre-existing worldview.
Very few of the women who wanted entry have interpreted the situation as their gods telling them to drop the case.
Very few of the men who denied women entry have interpreted the situation as their gods telling them to allow women in the temple.
None of the scientists accepted the interpretation that those floodings are the wrath of a god.
They all interpreted according to their already existing worldview.
And that is exactly the point I tried to make in one of your other threads. Anyone who reads the Bible will interpret it according to their own preexisting ideas and beliefs.
Someone who believes God is loving, kind and patient might interpret that some parts of the Bible are written by 'false friends', and that their depictions of God as jealous, angry, vindictive or violent are to be ignored. That interpretation is however entirely arbitrary, according to that person's preexisting beliefs.
If someone else were to claim the exact opposite (God is impatient, violent, vindictive, and every Bible verse that says otherwise is written by a 'false friend'), that interpretation would be just as valid/invalid and useful/useless and the favorable interpretation.
Just like the Kerala rains, people generally interpret the world and religious ideas just the way they want. They construct their own god(s)/God and make the world and the texts conform to that.
Worse, the texts themselves are the result of people having preexisting religious ideas and interpreting their world according to those ideas.
Building your reality on those means interpreting the (incomplete record of) someone else's interpretation of the world.
Can't get much unstable than that....(well unless you add another layer such as JW who interpret the JW leaders' interpretation of Bible writers' interpretation of the world.)